Summary of FEU Public Intellectual Lecture Series | Redentor Constantino | Part 1

Climate change is real and caused by human activity, specifically the emission of greenhouse gases.

The majority of the scientific community agrees that climate change is a result of human interference with the planet's climate system.

Governments need to act soon, but citizens also play a crucial role in pushing for change.

Specialization is important, but integrating knowledge from various disciplines is essential to address the climate crisis effectively.

The impacts of climate change will be felt by future generations, emphasizing the importance of taking action now.

The climate crisis is illustrated through graphs showing temperature increases and CO2 emissions.

The effects of climate change include melting glaciers, rising sea levels, and extreme weather events.

The inability of many organisms to adapt to the rapidly changing climate is a significant concern.

Failure to take action could result in a temperature increase of up to 4.8 degrees above pre-industrial levels, which is considered very dangerous.


Notable Quotes

07:35 — « The reason why I'm showing this is to demonstrate how real and how serious the impact of humans are on the earth's climate. »
11:40 — « Earth is optimal, has enough heat, enough of the setting that allows life to flourish, but where we're messing around with the settings, that's what climate change is. »
13:32 — « Island nation states like the Marshall Islands or Fiji are at risk, not simply of being flooded but of being obliterated entirely because if your island nation goes underwater, your culture disappears as well. »


