Summary of Lecture 02: HR Data Preparation & Development of HR metrics

Summary of Lecture 02: HR Data Preparation & Development of HR Metrics

This lecture focuses on the preparation of HR data and the development of HR Metrics essential for effective HR Analytics. The key areas of discussion include the importance of data preparation, the types of questions to ask regarding Data Reliability, and the methodologies for measuring and presenting HR data.

Main Ideas and Concepts

Methodology for Data Preparation and Metric Development

Speakers or Sources Featured

The lecture appears to be presented by a single speaker, likely an instructor or expert in HR Analytics, though their name is not mentioned in the subtitles. The content is educational and aimed at HR professionals or students learning about HR Analytics.

Notable Quotes

02:47 — « No matter how much you trust your Quant or your data, do not stop asking them tough questions. »
03:18 — « It does not matter how much you trust your number; if you have a 100% trust also, then also you should ask certain questions. »
06:10 — « If your sample characteristics and population characteristics are not matching, then you cannot make the prediction about the population characteristics. »
09:00 — « If you include the outlier, you will not understand how it impacts the result; then your analysis may be misleading. »
24:06 — « Don't waste your time on those issues for which there is no problem in the organization. »


