Summary of Why Do We Vote? It's Not For the Reasons You Think…

Main Ideas and Concepts


Speakers/Sources Featured

Notable Quotes

00:29 — « The actual reasons why we do things might not be the reasons why we think we do things. »
03:56 — « Rational choice theory assumes that individuals make decisions by weighing the costs and benefits of their options, and we're always striving to maximize happiness or satisfaction. »
08:01 — « We are essentially carrying the same brains that humans had in the stone age, just in modern bodies. »
10:20 — « The reasons we vote... has a lot to do with social pressure, with being taught by family, friends, and society that this is a thing we should do. »
11:28 — « Time and time again in studying human behavior, we find that there are powerful unconscious forces behind the ways that we act. »


