Summary of Why Old Money Supports the Left

Video Summary

The video titled "Why Old Money Supports the Left" explores the relationship between wealthy individuals from Old Money backgrounds and their alignment with leftist or progressive Political Causes. The presenter, Nick, argues that this support is often misunderstood, as it may seem counterintuitive for those in elite positions to back policies that could undermine their status. However, he posits that progressive politics and taxation actually help maintain the power of Old Money by preventing the rise of new competitors.

Key Points

Overall, the video argues that the alignment of Old Money with leftist policies serves to protect their relative power and status while preventing new competition from emerging.


Notable Quotes

00:55 — « What if I told you actually is the other way around where Progressive politics and highly progressive taxation enable their relative power and allow old money to stay on top rather than cut them down with everybody else. »
04:06 — « If they wanted to keep anything they felt like they needed to give something to the lower classes because it's better to have maybe a little bit less and provide social safety nets than be killed in a revolution. »
11:22 — « The main enemy of old money is not the poor... The Real Enemy of the old money is the middle class and potential new money. »
16:10 — « The consequences of a lot of left-wing economic policies is what it does is it entrenches those who are already at the top at the expense of emerging wealth, new money or disruptive entrepreneurs shaking up the system. »


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