Summary of 1 Tiny Vitamin Helps Shrink Prostate | Vitamin To Shrink Enlarged Prostate - Dr. Vivek Joshi

Key Wellness Strategies:

Self-Care Techniques (Exercises):

  1. Happy Baby Stretch:
    • Lie on your back, hold your feet, and press down to stretch.
    • Hold for 15-30 seconds; repeat 2-3 times.
  2. Butterfly Stretch:
    • Sit and lean forward to stretch inner thighs.
    • For advanced, press knees toward pelvis.
    • Can also be done lying down with elbows pushing knees.
  3. Half Superman Pose:
    • Raise one hand and the opposite leg while lying on your stomach.
    • Focus on engaging the core and feeling pressure on the abs.

Herbal Remedies:

General Advice:


Notable Quotes

00:57 — « Vitamin D3 reduces the inflammation inside the body; it helps hormones to function well. »
02:09 — « Don't just blindly jump to the treatment of prostate. »
03:40 — « 50% of males above 50 years of age are prone to have problems with prostate. »
04:10 — « Vitamin D3 is going to play a very, very crucial role. »
08:51 — « Having strong abdominal muscles is very important if you want to have healthy and good prostate. »


Wellness and Self-Improvement
